Engage and Retain Your Workforce

Your AI Employee Experience Assistant that streamlines onboarding, encourages social connections, and boosts member engagement

Trusted by industry leaders worldwide

Amirra explained in 1-minute

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Why Amirra

Brings your people together

Reduces the tools you need

Uses AI-Driven interactions

Eliminates much of the busy work

Easy to adopt, use and manage

It's integrated and branded for you

Hi! I’m Amirra.
I can help you...

Welcome and develop your members

Amirra welcomes members, integrates them into your community, and keeps them feeling part of the team.

Encourage social interaction and build community

Amirra encourages community and workplace culture through gamification and automated prompts.

Engage your members

Amirra enhances member engagement with automated prompts that encourage meaningful participation.

Improve your People & Culture strategy

Amirra provides practical insights into your culture, diversity, and people strategy through data-driven analytics.

What our clients have seen


Less tools needed after adopting Amirra


Less noise in Slack/Teams channels and emails


Less effort managing community & engagement tasks

Integrates with the tools you already use

What they say about us

"Amirra is our solution to bringing connection, community, and support to our new hybrid work challenges"

Tobias Haug

"Amirra has been critical to our thousands of employees in making connections and building engagement"

Esther Vegh

"Amirra significantly contributes to building community among our employees by engaging them in ways that enhance their sense of belonging"

Robynn Pease

"Amirra is really about building the types of human connections that lead to a great company culture"

Matt Hunckler

Book a demo

Discover how Amirra’s AI-powered platform can enhance your employee experience with a streamlined, engaging, and productive workspace. Schedule your demo today.

Easy to deploy
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