Boost Employee Engagement with Effective Feedback: Strategies for Success

Aug 15, 2024

Boost Employee Engagement with Effective Feedback: Strategies for Success
Boost Employee Engagement with Effective Feedback: Strategies for Success
Boost Employee Engagement with Effective Feedback: Strategies for Success
Boost Employee Engagement with Effective Feedback: Strategies for Success

In today's competitive business landscape, where talent is a company's most valuable asset, keeping employees engaged is more critical than ever. Studies show that highly engaged employees are 21% more productive and exhibit significantly lower turnover rates. (Forbes)  

For HR professionals, understanding the role of feedback in fostering employee engagement is essential to creating a thriving, productive workforce. Effective feedback significantly improves employee experience and contributes to a positive company culture.

Understanding Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is more than just job satisfaction; it's the emotional commitment an employee has to their organization and its goals. Engaged employees go above and beyond because they genuinely care about their work and the company they work for. They aren't just working for a paycheck or a promotion—they are working towards something they believe in.  

However, achieving high levels of employee engagement is often easier said than done. Many organizations struggle with disengaged employees who are less productive, more likely to leave, and potentially damaging to the overall company culture. Common barriers to engagement include lack of recognition, poor communication, and unclear career progression. This is where feedback comes into play.

The Importance of Feedback in the Workplace

Feedback is a powerful tool for driving employee engagement. It provides employees with the guidance they need to grow within the company, making them feel valued and recognized, which directly enhances the employee experience. For younger employees, feedback is particularly crucial. Recent data shows that 72% of millennials prefer receiving feedback on a daily or weekly basis, emphasizing the importance of integrating regular feedback into company culture to maintain engagement, especially among younger generations (Think Learning).

There are two main types of feedback: constructive and destructive. Constructive feedback is specific, actionable, and focused on improvement, building trust between managers and employees. On the other hand, destructive feedback can damage employee confidence and engagement. Timely feedback is also essential, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in driving behavior change.

Best Practices for Giving Effective Feedback

To enhance employee engagement and improve the overall employee experience, creating a feedback-rich environment is key:

  • Establishing a Feedback Culture: To truly improve employee experience, feedback should be embedded in the company culture. This means making feedback a regular part of day-to-day operations, rather than something that only happens during annual reviews. Encourage managers and employees alike to view feedback as an opportunity for growth rather than criticism. This mindset shift can help reduce anxiety around feedback and make it a more positive experience.  

  • Effective Communication Techniques: How feedback is delivered can be just as important as the content of the feedback itself. When giving feedback, it's essential to be clear, specific, and focused on the behavior or outcome rather than the individual. Avoid using accusatory language or making assumptions about intent. Instead, describe the situation, the behavior you observed, and the impact it had—this is known as the SBI (Situation-Behavior-Impact) model. For example, instead of saying, "You're always late," you might say, "I noticed you were late to the team meeting this morning, which delayed the start and affected our timeline for the day."  

  • Using the SBI (Situation-Behavior-Impact) Model: The SBI model is a simple but effective way to structure feedback. It ensures that feedback is specific and tied to observable behaviors, making it easier for employees to understand and act on. By focusing on the situation, behavior, and impact, you provide a clear, objective description of what happened and why it matters. This approach minimizes defensiveness and encourages constructive dialogue.

  • Ensuring Two-Way Feedback: Feedback should not be a one-way street. Encouraging employees to provide feedback to their managers and peers is just as important as giving feedback. Providing managers with valuable insights into how they can improve their leadership and better support their teams.

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Feedback

Technology plays a vital role in facilitating feedback and improving employee experience. Digital tools streamline the feedback process, making it easier for managers and employees to engage in meaningful performance discussions. Real-time feedback, in particular, significantly boosts employee morale by addressing issues as they occur, rather than waiting for annual reviews (Quaffle).

Additionally, anonymous feedback systems can encourage more honest and open communication.

Organizations implementing these systems report receiving 58% more honest feedback, leading to more accurate insights into employee satisfaction and a more positive company culture (Think Learning).

Integrating feedback into performance management systems ensures that it informs development plans and career progression, maximizing its impact on employee engagement.

Case Study | Feedback and Engagement Transformation  ‍

A notable example of a company that transformed its feedback process and engagement strategy is Microsoft.

In the early 2010s, Microsoft realized that its traditional annual review process wasn’t effectively driving employee engagement or fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The process was often seen as rigid and unhelpful, leading to anxiety and competition rather than collaboration and growth.

What Microsoft Changed

  1. Shift to Continuous Feedback: Microsoft replaced its annual performance reviews with a continuous feedback model. This new approach encouraged regular check-ins between employees and managers, focusing on growth, development, and real-time feedback instead of a once-a-year evaluation. This shift allowed for more meaningful conversations and timely adjustments, enhancing the overall employee experience.

  1. Introduction of "Connects": Microsoft introduced "Connects," a system where managers and employees held frequent, informal discussions about goals, challenges, and development. This approach created a more supportive environment, with feedback seen as a tool for growth rather than judgment.

  1. Fostering a Growth Mindset: Under CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft embraced a "growth mindset" culture. This shift emphasized learning from failures and continuous improvement, perfectly aligning with the new feedback system. Employees were encouraged to take risks and innovate, with constructive feedback aimed at fostering their growth.

The Results

This transformation had a profound impact on Microsoft's company culture and employee engagement. The continuous feedback model led to higher employee satisfaction, more collaborative teams, and a significant improvement in Microsoft's overall business performance. The company's market value soared as the new culture fostered innovation, agility, and a more engaged workforce.

The Amirra Solution

To further enhance the employee experience and cultivate a culture of continuous feedback, Amirra offers a unique feature that simplifies the entire feedback process for HR professionals. Amirra periodically prompts the HR Director to select from a range of pre-made surveys, such as Employee Pulse Check or Health & Wellness surveys. Once the survey and its distribution date are selected, Amirra handles the rest—creating the survey, announcing it to employees, sending reminders, gathering the responses, and finally presenting the results to the HR Director.

This feature is a game-changer for organizations aiming to create a culture of feedback without overwhelming their HR teams. By automating the survey process, Amirra ensures that feedback loops are consistently maintained, making it easier for companies to regularly check in with their employees. This not only fosters a more engaged workforce but also ensures that feedback is timely and actionable. As we've discussed, real-time feedback is crucial for maintaining high employee engagement, and Amirra's seamless process supports this by removing the administrative burden from HR professionals. This allows them to focus on analyzing the feedback and implementing strategies to improve the overall employee experience.

With this tool, organizations can effortlessly integrate continuous feedback into their company culture, leading to higher engagement, better employee morale, and ultimately, a more productive and satisfied workforce.


Feedback is a critical driver of employee engagement, and when done effectively, it can significantly improve the employee experience and contribute to a positive company culture. By establishing a feedback culture, using effective communication techniques, leveraging technology, and continuously measuring the impact of feedback, organizations can create an environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and committed to their work.

Amirra’s innovative feature simplifies this process even further by automating the creation and distribution of feedback surveys, ensuring that organizations can easily maintain continuous feedback loops. This not only alleviates the administrative burden on HR teams but also guarantees that feedback is timely and actionable, leading to higher engagement and a more satisfied workforce.

For HR professionals and decision-makers, the message is clear: invest in feedback strategies that enhance employee engagement and leverage tools like Amirra to seamlessly integrate these practices into your company culture.  

Contact our team today to learn more about how to make your organization thrive.

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