Building an Internal Communication Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Aug 1, 2024

Building an Internal Communication Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide
Building an Internal Communication Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide
Building an Internal Communication Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide
Building an Internal Communication Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Internal communication is the backbone of any successful organization. It's the glue that holds a company together, fostering a sense of unity and purpose. Yet, many organizations struggle to create effective internal communication strategies, resulting in information silos, disengaged employees, and a lack of cohesive company culture.  

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of building a robust internal communication plan that can enhance your employee experience, drive employee engagement, and contribute to overall business success.

Understanding the Basics of Internal Communication

Definition and Importance

Internal communication encompasses all the ways in which information is shared within an organization. This includes everything from emails and newsletters to meetings and chat applications. Effective internal communication ensures that everyone in the organization is aligned with the company's goals and understands their role in achieving them. It also plays a crucial role in building a positive company culture, fostering employee engagement, and driving productivity.

Common Challenges

Despite its importance, many organizations face challenges with internal communication. These can include information overload, lack of timely updates, inconsistent messaging, and insufficient employee feedback mechanisms. Addressing these challenges requires a well-thought-out internal communication plan.

Identifying Your Audience

Segmenting Your Audience

Before you can create an effective communication plan, you need to understand your audience. This involves identifying different groups within your organization, such as departments, locations, or job roles. Each group may have unique communication needs and preferences.

Understanding Audience Needs

To effectively communicate with your audience, you need to understand what information they need and how they prefer to receive it. Conducting surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews can provide valuable insights. Gathering employee feedback regularly ensures that your communication strategies remain relevant and effective.

Setting Clear Objectives


Setting clear objectives is essential for any communication plan. Use the SMART criteria to define your goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, a SMART goal might be to "increase employee engagement by 20% within six months through improved internal communication."

Alignment with Organizational Goals

Your communication objectives should align with your organization's broader goals. If your company aims to improve customer service, your internal communication plan should support this by ensuring that employees have the information and tools they need to deliver excellent service.

Choosing the Right Communication Channels

Overview of Channels

There are many internal communication tools available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. These include:

  • Email: Ideal for formal announcements and detailed information.

  • Intranet: A centralized platform for sharing documents, news, and updates.

  • Business chat: Tools like Slack and Teams help keep projects moving forward.

  • Social Apps: Tools like Amirra facilitate communication aimed at improving community and engagement.  

  • Newsletters: Regular updates that keep employees informed about company news and events.

  • Meetings: Face-to-face or virtual meetings for in-depth discussions and feedback sessions.

Channel Suitability

Choose the right channels based on the type of message and the preferences of your audience. For instance, critical updates might be best delivered via email or intranet, while day-to-day communications can happen through chat apps.

Multi-Channel Approach

Adopting a multi-channel communication strategy ensures that your messages reach everyone, regardless of their preferred communication method. This approach helps to maximize employee engagement and ensures that important information is accessible to all.

Crafting Your Message

Message Clarity and Consistency

Your messages should be clear, concise, and consistent. Avoid jargon and overly complex language. Consistency in messaging helps to reinforce key points and ensures that everyone receives the same information.

Tone and Style

The tone and style of your communication should reflect your company culture. For instance, a tech startup might use a casual, friendly tone, while a financial institution might opt for a more formal style. Tailor your tone and style to suit your audience and the nature of the message.

Feedback Mechanisms

Incorporate mechanisms for employee feedback in your communication plan. This can include surveys, suggestion boxes, or regular feedback sessions. Gathering feedback helps to improve your communication strategies and ensures that employees feel heard and valued. Amirra’s Survey feature allows you to quickly and easily poll specific employee groups to help you gain useful feedback.

Developing a Content Calendar

Importance of Planning

A content calendar is essential for consistent and strategic communication. It helps you plan and schedule your messages in advance, ensuring that you maintain a steady flow of information.

Creating the Calendar

To create a content calendar, start by listing all the key messages you need to communicate over a given period. Then, schedule these messages across different channels and assign responsibilities for creating and distributing the content. Be sure to balance regular updates with spontaneous announcements to keep your communication dynamic and responsive. Amirra’s automated suggestions help keep engagement consistent and relevant throughout an employee’s journey.  

Implementing the Plan

Rollout Strategy

A well-planned rollout strategy is crucial for the successful implementation of your communication plan. Start by briefing key stakeholders and providing training for managers and team leaders. Ensure that everyone understands their role in the communication process.

Pilot Testing

Before a full-scale rollout, consider running a pilot test with a small group of employees. This allows you to gather initial feedback and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

Measuring and Analyzing Effectiveness

Key Metrics

To evaluate the effectiveness of your internal communication, track key metrics such as:

  • Engagement Rates: Measure how actively employees are engaging with your messages.

  • Feedback Scores: Assess the quality and quantity of employee feedback.

  • Information Retention: Evaluate how well employees are retaining and understanding key messages.

Tools and Methods

There are various tools and methods available for tracking and analyzing communication performance. These include surveys, analytics platforms, and feedback tools. Regularly review these metrics to identify areas for improvement. Amirra’s built in evaluation survey automatically polls your team and sends you periodic feedback to help you improve upon your internal communication strategy.  

Continuous Improvement

Use the data you gather to continuously refine and improve your communication strategies. Regularly seek employee feedback to ensure that your communication remains effective and relevant.

Advanced Insights into Internal Communication

As we delve deeper into internal communication strategies, it's important to acknowledge the latest trends and technological advancements that are shaping the landscape. Here are some key insights:

AI-Assisted Communication

The integration of artificial intelligence in internal communication tools has significantly increased in 2024. AI tools, such as chatbots for answering questions and software for transcribing meetings, are enhancing efficiency and productivity in organizations. These tools help streamline communication processes and provide real-time assistance to employees.  (Biteable)

Amirra's AI-powered capabilities ensure seamless communication and support throughout the employee journey, making it an essential tool for modern organizations.

Mobile-First Communication

With the increasing prevalence of remote and hybrid work, mobile-first communication has become essential. Many organizations are adopting dedicated communication apps that enable employees to stay connected and informed regardless of their location. This trend helps improve productivity, collaboration, and engagement among decentralized teams. (LineZero)

Amirra's mobile-friendly platform ensures that employees can access important updates and connect with their peers anytime, anywhere.

Data-Driven Communication

In 2024, there's a growing emphasis on data-driven communication strategies. Businesses are leveraging data to measure and optimize their internal communication efforts. By using analytics tools, organizations can track employee engagement, understand communication effectiveness, and make informed decisions to enhance their internal communication practices. (LineZero)

Amirra offers comprehensive analytics features, providing valuable insights to continuously improve your communication strategy.

Case Studies and Examples

Learning from the experiences of other organizations can provide valuable insights. For instance, SAP implemented Amirra to diversify their communication strategy and ultimately improve their employee engagement overall satisfaction. They now use a combination of email, intranet, and our mobile-friendly app to ensure that all employees receive timely and relevant information that matters to them.


Creating an effective internal communication plan is essential for fostering a positive company culture, driving employee engagement, and ensuring organizational success. By understanding your audience, setting clear objectives, choosing the right communication channels, and continuously measuring and improving your strategies, you can build a communication plan that meets the needs of your organization and its employees.

Start building your internal communication plan today using the steps outlined in this guide. Remember, effective communication is key to a thriving workplace.

Visit Amirra for more details on how we help HR and employees communicate better.

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