Creating Inclusive Company Events to Build Community

Aug 8, 2024

At Amirra, we know that inclusive company events are the heart and soul of building a thriving workplace community. Every employee is unique, bringing their own rich tapestry of experiences, perspectives, and skills. Embracing this diversity isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a game-changer for company culture and employee experience.  

Picture a company event where every voice is heard, where people from different backgrounds come together to celebrate their cultures, share their stories, and learn from one another. Whether it’s a cooking class featuring dishes from around the world, a storytelling session that takes you on a journey across continents, or a virtual event that brings remote team members together, these moments create bonds that go beyond the office walls.  

At Amirra, we provide the tools to make this vision a reality. From automated culture demographics and insights that help you understand the unique makeup of your workforce, to streamlined communication tools that support you in creating events that resonate with everyone and truly make a difference.  

This blog will explore practical strategies for creating inclusive company events, addressing common challenges, and measuring success.

The Importance of Inclusive Company Events

Understanding the Needs of Diverse Workforces

Inclusive events are crucial for building a thriving company culture. They go beyond just bringing people together; they foster an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and part of the community.

Research has shown that inclusive company events can significantly improve employee engagement, with one study revealing that socializing between team members enhances communication patterns by over 50%. (HBR)

To create successful inclusive events, it's essential to understand the diverse demographics within your organization. Employees come from various backgrounds, each with unique perspectives and needs. Recognizing and catering to these differences is fundamental to planning events that resonate with everyone.

Identifying Employee Demographics

Understanding your workforce's composition is the first step toward inclusive event planning. At Amirra we provide automated analytics on your culture demographics, providing invaluable insights into the diversity within an organization. With Amirra's solutions, the entire workforce has a transparent view of the culture they are a part of such as; how many employees come from different cultures, the languages spoken within the organization, and even the activities and interests of each person.

This automated approach streamlines the process of understanding employee demographics, enabling HR teams to tailor events that truly resonate with their diverse workforce. Employees can also open a “Space” or Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to discuss matters they care about, providing additional insights into specific community needs and preferences.  

Common Challenges in Creating Inclusive Events

Creating inclusive events is not without its challenges. Language differences, cultural misunderstandings, and accessibility issues can create barriers. It is crucial to address these challenges head-on to ensure all employees feel included and valued.

  1. Cultural Misunderstandings: Educating employees about different cultures and customs can prevent misunderstandings and promote inclusivity.

  1. Accessibility Issues: Making in-person events accessible to all employees is non-negotiable. Ensure venues are wheelchair-accessible, and provide accommodations for individuals with disabilities.  

Case Studies

Several companies have successfully implemented inclusive event strategies, leading to increased employee satisfaction and engagement. For instance, Microsoft improved employee satisfaction by 30% after revamping its event strategy to be more inclusive. This transformation involved creating events that catered to various cultural celebrations and interests. One notable example was their annual "Global Fest," which celebrated the diverse cultures of their employees through food, music, and educational booths representing different countries. This event not only highlighted the rich cultural tapestry within Microsoft but also fostered a stronger sense of community within the organization.

Strategies for Creating Inclusive Company Events

Of course, not every company has the budget for events as Microsoft does.  

Inclusive event planning involves thoughtful consideration and execution. From choosing the right themes to ensuring accessibility, several strategies can help create events that resonate with every employee. And guess what, it doesn’t have to break your bank.‍

Encouraging Employee Participation and Forming Diverse Planning Committees

Creating inclusive company events requires active employee participation and thoughtful planning. By involving employees in the event planning and execution, companies can foster a sense of ownership and pride among their workforce. This process can be achieved by organizing peer-led initiatives and workshops, where employees are encouraged to lead activities that highlight their skills and interests. Interactive workshops, such as cooking classes or cultural storytelling sessions, are excellent ways to promote collaboration and learning.

A critical step in this process is forming diverse planning committees. These committees should include representatives from various departments and backgrounds, ensuring that a wide range of perspectives and insights are considered during event planning. Input from Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) is invaluable, as they can provide specific insights into the needs and preferences of different community groups within the organization.

Teams with a diverse and inclusive culture are 33% more likely to outperform their peers in profitability. Inclusive events help break down silos, encourage collaboration, and create a sense of belonging among team members. (McKinsey & Company)

By integrating inclusivity into every stage of event planning and choosing event themes that celebrate diversity, companies can ensure their events resonate with everyone. Themes such as cultural appreciation days and heritage celebrations foster a sense of belonging and help build a more cohesive and inclusive workplace community.‍

Selecting Inclusive Event Themes and Formats

Choosing themes and formats that celebrate diversity and accommodate various needs is crucial. Hybrid events, which combine in-person and virtual components, are an excellent way to include remote employees and those with different needs.

  • Celebrating Diversity: Plan events around cultural holidays and traditions, encouraging employees to share their backgrounds and experiences.

  • Hybrid Events: Incorporate virtual elements to accommodate remote employees and those unable to attend in person. For example, team dance contests in video format were a huge trend during the pandemic.  

Technology and Tools for Inclusivity

Leveraging technology can significantly enhance inclusivity and engagement in events. Utilize translation apps, virtual meeting platforms, and collaboration tools to ensure all employees can participate fully.

  • Translation Apps: Use apps that offer real-time translation to bridge language gaps.

  • Virtual Meeting Platforms: Utilize platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams to facilitate virtual attendance and participation.

Measuring the Impact of Inclusive Events

Measuring the success of inclusive events is crucial for continuous improvement. Setting clear objectives and metrics allows HR to evaluate the impact and make necessary adjustments.

Define success criteria for events, such as increased attendance or improved employee feedback scores. Establishing clear metrics ensures that events align with organizational goals.

Companies with inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets, three times as likely to be high-performing, six times more likely to be innovative and agile, and eight times more likely to achieve better business outcomes. These metrics highlight the significant impact inclusivity can have on organizational success. (Deloitte)

  • Event Attendance Rates: Track attendance to gauge interest and engagement.

  • Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Conduct surveys to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

  • Anonymous Surveys: Distribute surveys to collect candid feedback from employees.

  • Focus Groups: Organize focus groups to delve deeper into specific issues and gather detailed insights.

At Amirra, we not only provide all these solutions, but we also generate automated suggestions post-event such as creating a photo album, so every participant may share their personal experience.

Showcasing Success Stories

Sharing success stories internally and externally builds a positive company image and encourages employee participation. Highlight achievements and recognize employees who contributed to the event's success.

  • Internal Recognition: Celebrate successful events and recognize employees who contributed to the planning and execution.

  • External Promotion: Share success stories on company platforms and industry publications to showcase commitment to inclusivity.

Overcoming Challenges and Adapting to Change

Adapting to remote and hybrid work environments and handling resistance to participation are common challenges HR professionals face in inclusive event planning.

It can be difficult in some cases to motivate participation, especially in remote environments. Communicating the value and benefits of inclusivity and providing training for leadership to motivate the participation of their teams by clearly articulating the benefits of inclusive practices for company culture and performance.‍


Inclusive company events are integral to building a positive company culture and enhancing the employee experience. By understanding the needs of diverse workforces, implementing thoughtful strategies, and measuring success, HR professionals can create events that foster community and drive organizational success.

Now is the time to assess your current event strategies and take proactive steps toward greater inclusivity. By embracing diversity and inclusion as core values, companies can unlock their full potential, fostering a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and inspired to contribute.

At Amirra, we are dedicated to helping you create impactful and inclusive company events that make a real difference.

Contact us to learn more.

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